Monday, September 7, 2009


So it has become ever clearer how neurotic and strange some of these bloggers are that I have on my blogfeed. I mean, really? Photographing EVERY meal? Telling us EVERYTHING you do? Is this necessary in a public forum?

there are several blogs whose bloggers are sweet and generous, and have a focus - I am invested in them as people who tell the ongoing story of an aspect of their lives. Some blogs offer fantastic recipes, or tips, or food porn, and others inspiration. Quite a lot are just new avenues for those with eating issues to manifest their focus.

here is a post from a fellow blogger about it: Now if you ever read any of the blogs on my blogfeed you will know exactly who this woman is talking about.

Interesting. I feel as if I would be perfectly happy giving up my home internet connection, unsubscribing from all (i mean, most) of my blog feeds, cutting off the cell phone, and having more time to be quiet.

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