Wednesday, September 9, 2009

30 Day Yoga Challenge, Days 8 & 9

First of all, to Katrina and Brie –
I am sorry times a million about the cake. It was ridiculously inconsiderate, overly selfish, absurdly inappropriate, and generally not cool to do to friends that you love. And certainly no way of showing them how much you love them, which would have been the whole point of the g.d. evening. Anyway – I make mistakes, but I certainly learn from them. There will be no more pastry throwing at my home. Scout’s honor. I owe you guys a drink.

Second of all, the yoga.
Yesterday was a tiring day, and the metro made me late home, so I couldn’t make it out to yoga class. But I DID make all the right choices last night, and made good food and read instead of watching television all evening, and did a 20 minute set from yogadownload which was a beginner’s class for weight loss because I was tired and sore and the moon had gotten to me and that meant – no five minute lunges, no inversions, no backbends, and no overly strenuous sun salutations. So this was basically a drawn out version of a 5-sun-sal set, but was good. I also went to bed at a decent hour!

This morning I woke up to the rain nice and early, and rolled out of bed to do an hour class from yogatoday on detoxing! Which is highly appropriate considering this is day 1 of my detox (more on that later). This class focused on twists, which I thought was lovely as I have been stuck in shallow twists lately, and had no inversions or backbends. I am not sure how good “wetting the digestive fire” will be for me today so early, as I have another eleven hours or so of my fast, but we shall see! I’ll let you all know later how that goes. It makes such a huge difference to me when I do yoga in the morning for the rest of the day. I feel like I’ve already started and accomplished something, in a more forgiving way than running in the morning does because that often leaves me tighter and sorer.

Third of all, the detox.
That’s right, I’m on hour thirteen of my 24 hour fast that kickstarts the detox. My mom, apparently, is starting today as well so we get to compare notes. My last meal was a gigantic green smoothie that I had made that morning, but the mango didn’t have enough flavor to cover the spinach so I bottled it. When I came home I went across the street to the co-op (love of my life) and got a nice small melon and some lemongrass soup. I added the melon to the smoothie, which solved the problem and also doubled the serving (two giant glasses), and added some leftover canned beets, corn from the cob, and a few tablespoons of the last of my tabouleh into a salad. Add some decaf chai and it was super delicious as it rained outside. I must report, that at hour thirteen, I am not hungry, after a liter of water. I have a cup of hot water in front of me, and the countdown begins! I plan on having a dinner of several cantaloupe’s when I get home.

1 comment:

Braines said...

It's really okay. I hope my own end is as spectacular.