Monday, September 7, 2009

30 Day Yoga Challenges Days 4-7

So yoga can be done in many forms, and for much of this weekend in came mostly in forms not associated with asanas.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday's yoga was practiced mainly in the form of individual asanas throughout the day, with a lot of the practice of empathy thrown in (babysitting on Saturday) and flexibility exercised according to physical needs. So no giant sweaty practices, no deep hip openers or flying dancers, except occasionally. Instead, there was a lot of log pose, a lot of spontaneous twists, a lot- a lot of standing forward bends.

Today however, Day 7, was a day of commitment. A two-hour walk with a friend in the woods awakened the need to stretch, and a 40 minute practice to a video focused on hamstring stretches. This video however, is always difficult for me to finish, cuz the teacher is a bit of a dip, and the video focuses mostly on this one blonde with a very snooty look on her face and it bugs me. Also I cannot practice yoga for more than forty minutes on a floor that desperately needs to be vacuumed. So the shower and vacuum prevailed after a time, and I am excited to dive into next week, full of meditation, yoga, and detox fasts.

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