Friday, August 7, 2009

this is 1/2 of what i had posted earlier

It has been a hard week, and for reasons not pertaining to the fact that for the week previous to it I did nothing but eat and drink beer and ogle my boyfriend and laugh with his family while acquiring sand in every possible way (I found some in my ears as recently as yesterday) (and yes I have showered extensively since I returned for once).

I will recount the difficulty of this week in a minute. First I would like to elucidate the details of how I have earned approximately seventy-bajillion brownie points so far.
a) I woke up early and ran, or came home from work and ran, on the following days: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (it was raining on this one – bonus points!).
b) I went to yoga on the following days: Sunday, Monday, and Thursday (yes, two days I did nothing but run, work, and yoga)
c) I remembered to drop my Netflix in the mailbox on my way to work for the first time, instead of just letting it sit in my bag for a week until it gets too crumpled to read anything off the envelope.
d) I DID NOT give in to the urge to buy ingredients for martinis on Monday, or Wednesday. AND I only had TWO glasses of white wine last night when I finally did cave to the temptations of a hot August.
e) I DID NOT buy cookies any day during the week.
f) I drove out and sat and talked with my dear dear friend G in nap-town which is much more fun than therapy but just as necessary and stayed afterwards with the boy.
g) I got all of my laundry put away and the paper that was sitting on my floor somewhat organized
h) I accomplished all of the research I wanted to get done during the week.

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