Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bucket List

In the past six months I have accomplished the following:
- led a successful charity walk for my cause of passion (water management)
- switched jobs to where I am working less and making more and also working towards my career goals
- ran a half marathon
- committed to several yoga practices weekly
- acquired a boyfriend (of whom I am extremely proud)/fell in love
- moved to my favorite neighborhood with a great friend
- raised plants
- began marathon training
- started writing this blog
- started consulting
- discovered how to make kombucha
- gone on vacation
- finished many projects
- and much much more! (now at new low price)

I hate it when this happens!
Let me explain: I am project oriented. Extremely so. This means that I like to start many projects and be very very busy getting them done all the time. Unfortunately, this also means that I often finish these projects (finish, abandon, same thing sometimes). And THIS means that I am left where I am now – fitness and health goals underway, finances reasonable, career track followed, love life perfect, social life healthy, and hobbies running along. So, sounds great right? Wrong. I’m bored.

My mother laughs at this, as well she should. My boyfriend laments the issue with me, and then laughs, as well he should. I too laugh at this, but only after getting more upset than I probably should.

Here are some more goals that I hashed out for the next six months on my run this morning:
- run the Paris marathon April 11 2010 with Rory
- see Patagonia before my 25th Birthday (okay, not the next six months, but still)
- Learn how to make cheese
- Put together a writing portfolio by my 24th Birthday
- Submit 5 poems to 8 magazines by January 2010
- (aren’t you starting to be impressed with my goal-setting abilities? Thanks lululemon!) (I goal coach for a fee, along with marrying people, sailing your boat, organizing your offices, cooking your food, painting your walls, and sitting on your steps looking pretty)

Here is a beginning bucket list of things I want to do in my lifetime (to be fair, I’m really thinking before I’m 35)
- climb Mt. Ranier
- Places to see:
o Mayan temples
o Mumbai
o Alaska
o Thailand
o Jordan
o St. Petersburg
o Patagonia
o Mexico City
o Ireland
o Amsterdam
o Greece
o California
o (growing)
- Run a marathon
- Have a kid
- Get married
- Publish a poetry book
- Publish essays
- Skydive
- Snorkel the great barrier reef
- Fly a plane
- Learn another language
- Go to grad school
- Live in another country
- Complete a sail trip for a significant amount of time (>six months)
- Teach Yoga
- Complete a triathlon
- Sell the furniture I make/paint
- Save a watershed (or, you know, help to)
- Own a dog
- Plant a garden
- Learn to ride a motorcycle
- Re-learn guitar (desired playability – sitting around campfire)
- Re-learn piano (desired playability – personal company)

Ok any other suggestions?

1 comment:

Braines said...

I will skydive with you. That one's been on my list for a while.