Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Blog

Today has been ridiculously novel -
I have, get this, done the following:
- sent my poetry off to eight different online poetry journals
- created a new blog.
That's right. Another one. But get this- this one is just for poetry. I have posted what I perceive as the cream of my crop of several hundred poems, and will continue to put my better ones up there as well.

This numbers game of publishing work is interesting. The comparison to finding a job is pretty appropriate when you think about it (Thank you Katrina) but, there is another hitch. When applying for jobs, it is not entirely a problem to keep sending out your resume and knowing that eventually, statistically, something will hit solid ground, because you have just that one resume (ok this can be debated, I myself have several) (at least one resume per job possible). The poetry thing, however, is more difficult. Knowing that it took me three months of continual resume-submissions to find a job (10 a day, five days a week, three months, no joke), I have no problem thinking that it could take me over three years to get one poem published. Here is why: I have over 200 poems. And I am writing more as we speak. Most journals only take 3-5 at a time, per submission, and most of them only take one submission per journal (so, anywhere from one to twelve submissions a year). Anyway, I could potentially NEVER submit all my poetry.

I guess the point is that, with enough submissions I can get a few poems published, and eventually an entire book, which would take care of the backlog of poems and get me started on publishing new ones.

Anyway, this new poetry blog will take care of my poems so I will no longer be publishing them on this blog. The new blog's name: SEARCH. (Creative, I know, right?) and it's address is
On it now you will find :
-the best from Seattle
- the poems from the chapbook I published for all you guys a few years ago (bet you forgot about that one)
- and various other poems. Check it out!

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