Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This woman is not me. she is a real poet. she gets paid for it, or something like that.

I apparently spend all of my time reading blogs. Literally all of it. Sometimes I run an errand for my boss, or hand him a file from an over-stuffed cabinet, but really I sit at my computer and refresh my google reader to see if any new healthy living tips or yogic thoughts or eco-friendly advise comes across the cables at me. All of this just so that I can enjoy a more bendy, enlightened, calm, and earth-friendly manner of living. Which is comprised of sitting in front of the computer. It’s an endless, useless cycle. But I have added immensely to the subjects I can talk about at the dinner table – take that St. John’s!

On another note, I am pleased to make an announcement. Not only did I send out eight separate poems to five separate online poetry journals yesterday, I have already received three rejections  I am so proud of myself. I figure it’s a numbers game. Kind of like job-hunting, where the more resumes you send out the more likely you are to land a job. Except not at all because the manner in which one is compared to other job applicants has no relationship to the manner in which poetry is judged for publication. Or is it?

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Hmm... I actually think it is remarkably similar. Employers and magazine editors are both just looking for "the right fit." An editor will turn down plenty of "good" work if it doesn't match the overall tone and subject matter of the publication. That's why a really good tip is to read tons of back issues of every publication so you get a good sense of EXACTLY what they want.