Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday post vacation

My friends, it is true. I have returned from the land of pirates, sand, and rednecks. I have spent a lovely week with the Crooks family. Here is a concise, yet accurate, list of what occurred from Sat. July 27 to Sun Aug 2:

- pack the vans, drive south.
- Stop and eat, stop and get gas, see sophie, eat, and drive south
- Arrive, unpack, drink beer, swim, dinner, beer, sleep
- Run, Coffee, sand, swim, beer,
- lunch, beer, swim, sand,
- Sophie’s, margarita’s, whiskey, splat, sleep
- coffee, swim, sand, beer,
- Lunch, swim, beer, walk, hot tub, dinner, tequila, swim, tequila, pictures, sleep
- Coffee, yoga, breakfast, swim, sand, lunch, beer, pool, swim
- Sand, beer, dinner, walk, hot tub, beer, sleep
- Coffee, breakfast, hot-pepper-on-contact, nap,
- Lunch, beer, sitting by pool, beer, walk, dinner, movie, sleep
- Coffee, phone calls to optometrists, eye appointment
- Search for brother John, beer, sitting, grocery shopping
- Make dinner, margarita’s, hot tub, walk, sleep
- Coffee, surf shop, sand, beer, swim, beer, sand
- Walk, beer, swim, sand, dinner, beer, television
- Coffee, pack, drive north, stop, eat, stop, gas
- Arrive, unpack vans, eat, drive home, sleep
- Coffee, farmers market in the rain,
- See mom, buy plants, see whole foods, yoga, make food, sleep

End result:
Several brand spanking new pounds, sand in my bed, a hug from my best friend, a thoroughly relaxed muscle system, a several week aversion to beer, a deepened love for my boyfriend, an awakened respect for extended family, sunburn, a few hundred more freckles, and a couple photos.

On another note, having been terribly angsty about going back to work and my inability to slow down or pay attention to accuracy in general, I arrived today smacked in the face with my solo status (I had been training until I left for OBX). This has gone surprisingly well. I have accomplished everything I was told to do at 9 am this morning, have caught up on most of my blogs, researched a few things, and had time to write this blog post. Ta-Da! I AM somewhat capable of doing what I think I am capable of doing in my dream-world!!!

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