Thursday, March 25, 2010

Social acclaim!

Hey guys - remember that feral challenge on social workout I mentioned before?
I finished it finally the other day and when I went to go peruse the site today I saw they did a write up on me ! ON ME!!!! Applauding my finishing!! !YAY!!!!! here is what they wrote:
Early on Monday morning, March 1st, after a weekend of lousy sleep, she dragged herself out of bed and put on her running shoes. She had promised herself to complete not just The Feralicious, but also a "Monster Month Of Early Runs." So, out she went, and the first few blocks "were a measure of will." At least it was a sunny day in Washington D.C., and, as she passed the Washington Monument, she came upon a flock of ducks happily eating their breakfast. It was one of those lovely moments that change your day, and from the Monument she picked up the pace and flew home. She's been flying ever since. Say hello and give it up for Annelies, another D.C. Feralizer, who today knocked off her 20th workout, and who has also completed nine feats. Yes, our leaders are beginning to cross the finish line, and, make no mistake, we all win a little with each crossing. Wherever you are out there — mid dip, pullup, or stride — imagine yourself gliding by the Washington Monument early on a Monday morning, and set your eyes like a flying feral duck on that finish line.

on 03.24.10 at 08:55 by Oliver | 2 Comments
syrupandhoney said "

great job! this is a tough challenge!
" More comments...

talk about motivation!!!!!!!!!!!

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