Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Finally shoveled out

Alright so I haven’t written in a while. Excuse: snowed under. To the point where my car is now parked at my mother’s apartment because the snow plow ate my parking spot. This will be fixed… eventually.

Yes, the blizzard came and its still here. In icy drifts blocking most of the pavement. I was in Annapolis, in a blissful bourbon-and-hot-fire-induced state all through the almost-roof collapse (the boy fixed it by climbing on the roof and shoveling it all off) to the power going out (read: not so big of a deal… we read kafka out loud in front of a roaring fire after several drinks and camped in the living room), we shoveled (a lot) (and by a lot I meant my arms were sore for a week. No joke) and sledded and sat around and somewhere around the 5th day of being stuck inside my blood sugar SPIKED and I started to whine a little. To which a quick remedy of running around the house and being taught how to home-brew beer was a nice fix.

And now I’m back at work – at last. Yesterday was Valentine’s day, to which I will write an obligatory paragraph about how I hate it usually because I’ve been with guys who were either really into the champagne+expensive dinner+ diamonds+ lingerie+ lots of roses = happy girlfriend, or the guys who think watching steve mcqueen movies while wiping their snot on your sleeve before buying you a sandwich was perfectly romantic. This year, I win. He went perfectly and appropriately slightly-over-the-top with my fav candies and a book he knew I would love added on to the PERFECT roses, and that was it. Then off to a party we went! No great big deal, no super sloppy excuse of “I did so much for you for this day so I can get away without knowing what you really love”. He knows me, and it was perfect. Done.

And then the party was super fun. Tequila. Enough said.

And now I’m back at work- at last. I have a few thoughts burning through my head regarding running and the fact that today is really awesome because I can eat pancakes for dinner and what I am going to give up for lent. I also have a great conversation in there about passions too. All of which I will save for later.

And to conclude, it took roommate and I a full hour to drive the ten minutes to the movie theater yesterday (which resulted in me screaming and crying in the car) and ruined our plans to see an awesome movie about TOLSTOY (what could make me happier – broody russian story, Tolstoy, laziness, and movie popcorn? Not much. Maybe a puppy). We saw most of Crazy Heart instead. Which had great music.

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