Friday, June 18, 2010


So, I realize hearing counts of calories and splits of numbers is not interesting, but I am having a very interesting time with it. I will not bore you with it today, however. Although unfortunately my musings are mostly diet-related.

In fact, I have very interesting news. Firstly, the strangeness of the universe - when you commit your mind and self to a path, everything seems to pop up around it. Such as, how once I decided to really do this calorie-count thing, everyone around me starts thinking about it too, and having really interesting conversations.

Secondly, the situation in such that we have come to convince ourselves that we "deserve" bad foods - at the end of the day, after a hard workout, etc. We come home and we say "I have had a terrible day, I DESERVE this drink. or I DESERVE this ice cream", etc. However, if you think really hard, actually, not so hard, that what we are trying to do is reward ourselves. But what our bodies really want as a reward is nutrients, and the vitamins that we depleted by doing whatever hard thing it was that made us deserve the reward. So honestly, we are punishing our bodies by eating this bad food and teaching ourselves that it is a lot harder to be strong than it really is. And what we should be doing is rewarding ourselves with berries, or salads, or shish-kabobs, instead of chips. Or not rewarding ourselves with food at all, but a walk in a park or a conversation with a friend! How Novel! And lovely!

Thirdly, My dilema. I will begin with explaining how wonderful I have been on the training and eating part of my life. Seriously - sleeping on the couch has a way of making it a lot easier to get up in the morning. Great workouts, good runs (if treadmill runs can be so), and wonderful low-calorie food. However, the moon made me tired last night. I had believed that I was staying in town tonight, and therefore slept in and ate a huge breakfast (I am currently tweaking the protein levels) with the thought that I had my meals lined out and I would run after work and it would be awesome! Not so fast there little planner - instead, I forgot about a dinner date in Naptown. So now half my calories are used up, I am super pressed for time, and I still have a restaurant dinner with friends to get to quickly. See what I'm in for? This, my friends, is diet-planning on the quick, for REAL people. Calorie splits for martinis and salads are furiously calculated, a plan is hatched. How interesting! I will be either hungry or boring tonight, or probably both. But I will get it all in like I should! I am learning discipline! HUGE break for me!

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