Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Running makes me a terrible friend

A few new advancements in my life:
(you know, because it’s not busy enough)

I have picked up a second job at a Saxby’s coffee shop in Georgetown. I work with a bunch of girls, some GTown students/alumns, some not, but all really pretty cool and either working or studying full time like me. I serve coffee to a bunch of overly coordinated girls who look grossed out by the world and overly pretty boys who look like the world is sitting on their bed with its legs open. There are some cool people I serve coffee to. We have a fro-yo machine that is really tasty. And I don’t have to say words like “grande” or “frappuccino”, but I do have to say “fro-yo” and “fro-latte”.

I have decided that running makes me a bad girlfriend. While it amps up my confidence in some ways, it also shortens my muscles a lot. This means that I am holding all negative feelings deep inside these muscles until I can’t handle it anymore. Also, when I am not running, I feel bad that I am not dedicated enough and I have too much energy and become very very annoying. So, running basically turns me into an obnoxiously peppy yet very afraid and untrusting person that gets really annoyed by other people and complains a lot. This is compared to me with a regular yoga practice, that takes all these fears that I recognize from my muscles and acknowledge them, becoming less energetic but nicer and happier. Think about it: me last spring/summer with a daily yoga practice (freak-outs: zero), and me this spring no yoga but regular running (Freak-outs: a bazillion). And this takes into account that there is an equal number of things to freak out about this year as there were last year. QED.

So, taking into account the fact that I now work 60 hours a week and will become more and more sleep deprived, as well as the fact that I have placed my otherwise solid relationship in total jeopardy (JK!! We’re still great. I’ve just been pretty terribly obnoxious lately), I am placing my intense ultra-marathon plans on the sidelines and reverting to my original plan for after the marathon to focus on yoga.

This should make me a happier person. Now I just have to figure out how to repair the damage I have made by being an insane girlfriend and a constantly complaining friend. Anybody for home-made bath salts? How about a big baking party at my house?

1 comment:

Braines said...

I vote for baking.