Monday, December 14, 2009

A bazillion WINS, Part 2

c) Yeah, three weeks into it I can look in the mirror and not scream “I AM NOT HILARY CLINTON!! NOR AM I A LESBIAN!! GROW OUT DAMN HAIR GROW!” because, well, it has grown enough that I don’t feel like that anymore. I am not sure whether it has actually grown, or whether I have just made friends with it. Doesn’t matter. I’m not mad anymore.

d) So, as some of you know, I have been reading many many design blogs lately and getting really anxious to be creative. Having thought long and hard about what my passion is, I still cannot come up with any possible single answer. So, in true Johnnie fashion, I have derived the common element: beauty.

Beauty is the one thing I admire in all of the following: the human body, motion, math, physics, visual art, dance, music, the environment, literature, poetry, food, friendships, anything else I have ever loved. I love it because it is beautiful, and through its qualities I am more in connection with the common beauty of the world.

So what? Well, I have been trying to figure out my life, as always, and been inclined to consider a design degree (only some-what seriously) recently. But the problem with a design degree is that it does not incorporate the geeky sciency chemistry and biology that I love so much and look forward to in an environmental science focus. So, I poked around a bit and found these:

That’s right, it’s Johnnie Naturalist and Johnnie Naturalist-Artist come to the rescue!!! The field naturalist program is focused on real experience, and requires a lot of life experience, which is awesome because I can’t imagine going back to school for another little while now. I really want to work on a farm first. And then there’s the ecological design certificate, for when I’m done with the two year Field Naturalist program, that would let me be all creative AND earthly AT THE SAME TIME! Perfect. That’s all.

e) Just in time to request a formal review, I get confirmation that I am, indeed, good at my job. All this worry may be either paying off, or good for nothing.

f) I paid my bills. I can buy groceries. I will not be carted off to debtors prison yet. YAY!

g) 12 miles. Through cold, lit-up Washington DC. I am strangely thrilled by this idea, because I get to think about ECOLOGICAL DESIGN and FIELD NATURALIST future, and REORGANIZING HOUSES and GROCERY SHOPPING, all while listening to sad music. I LOVE IT!!!

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