Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Birthday Wish/Water Geek

My friends,
I know it is a little bit early for this, but I figured out what I want for my birthday. (November 21, btw).
I found this on the internet today:

It is the 1st annual Clean Water Conference. It takes place across the street from me (practically) and I want to go. However, It is $140. So, instead of buying me a drink or sending me a card or buying me a song off ITunes, I am asking everyone to donate a couple bucks to the Send Annelies to the Water Conference Fund, and I will supplement whatever is not covered. Sound good? Thanks that’s what I thought.

I have spent today, literally five hours of it, subscribing to RSS Feeds and newsletters for global and local environmental groups. I do this every other week. No joke. Five hours, every other week, acquiring the new information on water laws. The funny thing is, little changes. Every space for water organizations voices concerns over pollution and scarcity and poor quality etc. of the local water, or the global water, situation. So I have taken further action and contacted the local Riverkeepers (Anacostia, Shenandoah, Potomac) and hope they will give me a lunch time chat. I am volunteering for stream cleanups, volunteer training, and offering my pen/laptop as an editorialist (or making my way to that point). This all makes me happier than it seems it should – I am a total Water Geek. Reading the Kennedy/Cronin book “the riverkeepers” is making me want more and more to do this whole environmental law/ water activist thing.

I think I may have truly identified a passion. Score 10 for me!

1 comment:

maryconnole said...

I know what to give you now!