Monday, May 24, 2010


I have these beautiful women in my life who appear fatefully as soon as I need them. They all articulate different aspects of my life, but bring with them an awareness of those aspects like an aura. They are kind of gurus to me - their presence breaks up the spiritual knots and gives me an opportunity to explore these areas when they go.
I have had the opportunity in the past few months to spend time with all of them, and they have given me a great spiritual massage.

Whenever I am feeling particularly frustrated in my life, these women materialize. When they leave, the change I need seems ever more possible, ever more necessary, and clear as a bell.

Their love reminds me of all I have to offer as a human being, all that is in my power to be in my life. They are sending me the love of the universe with their smiles.

Thank you!

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