Wednesday, July 15, 2009

To Oma, Passed Away


9:35 AM

Perhaps it is the length of time that

teaches us to take deep breaths –

An attempt to suck in forever and

hold our world in pause until, reviled

we retreat from the suffocation

of an endless day and exhale.

In wrinkled shirts and leather belts we hurry,

diving into the sticky smell of decades of

commuters, oiled electric tracks, the rush

home and after running there and down

we stand, to sit, to run again, to exhale out our day.

And you, Oma, grandmother of a different time,

have lived your final days in this deep

hurry outward, running home by standing

still, a rush through waiting and a deep pause

of eternity in the moments you open

your tired eyes. You are home,

forever, in your final exhale.