Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Yuck

This past week I have been sick - weirdly - with a pretty absurd summer bug.
Note, this may or may not be actually side effects of a vaccine I got at the doctor's last week, but my mom is now sick with something similar so maybe it is an illness instead.

Symptoms: stupid digestion - painful, and weird. Not gross, just different than my normal digestion which I pretty much have regulated down to a science.
and exhaustion, a my-muscles-are-all-really-heavy-and-all-i-want-to-do-is-lay-down-and-sleep-but-i'm-not-actually-sleepy exhaustion, that comes on fast for a half hour and then leaves, wherein I can rally enough energy to convince myself to do something productive like go for a run, wherein the exhaustion sets in immediately. And this is a pronounced level of tiredness that I am very much not making up or using as an excuse to not workout. Because i love having energy. And I love working out. And don't like making excuses when I don't have to.

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